mércores, 29 de abril de 2020

Recuncho de agradecementos.

"Los abuelos nunca mueren, sólo se hacen  invisibles"
(Enrique Orschanski)

Para os nosos maiores...

Nosos queridos maiores,
sabemos o mal que o estades a pasar, sabemos que desgraciadamente sodes os que levades a peor parte con este virus que se entrometeu nas nosas vidas, pero tamén sabemos que sodes os máis valentes, os que nunca se rinden porque xa o tendes máis que demostrado.
O noso desexo é enviarvos toda a forza para saír desta enfermidade, dicirvos que vos necesitamos, precisamos que sigades a ser o noso exemplo de paciencia, de prudencia, de resistencia...
Quen nos vai ensinar a poñer freno ás nosas tolerías, ás nosas irresponsabilidades froito da ignorancia?, quen nos vai perdoar unha e mil veces tantas trasnadas?, quen vai xogar con nós o tempo que faga falta?, quen nos vai contar historias "de película"?,...
Queremos que sintades o noso cariño e sobre todo que saibades que non estades soíños, dende a distancia tamén existen as apertas, aí vai a nosa chea da mellor menciña: o desexo da vosa recuperación.
                                                                                                               Alumn@s de 4º, 5º, 6º de E.P.

Melissa 6º E.P.

Para todo o persoal sanitario, policía, garda civil, exército, transportistas, agricultores, etc. etc. etc.

Marcos 6º E.P.


luns, 27 de abril de 2020

My clothes

 Oh!  Look!

     Now, answer these questions in your notebook:

       What is Sue wearing?
     What is Tom wearing?
     What is Chris wearing?
     What is Alice wearing?
     What is Susan wearing?
     What is John wearing?

     Who is ...? Read and then write their names.

       Observe and describe:

      Look for some clothes:

      Finally, you can listen to these videos:

See you ...👻


mércores, 22 de abril de 2020


Observe, read and learn...

Now, make click,
   listen and repeat...

Secondly, we are going to review gerund, do you remember it?

     At last, we are going to review Present Continuous.

What are they doing?

Have a look at these videos:


domingo, 19 de abril de 2020

Review: To have.

Do you remember verb to have? 

   Now read and complete the exercises. Pay attention!

Ready, steady, go...

At last, we are going to practise to be and to have. You have to choose have, has, am, is, are.

Up, Up, Up...😊😊😊


venres, 17 de abril de 2020

Review: TO BE.

     We are going to review to be. Read and then complete the exer-
     cises in your notebook. 
                                   ARE YOU READY?



domingo, 12 de abril de 2020

Have you got a pet?

I am sure that you have a pet, perhaps a dog. Make a description of your pet: Have you got a pet?; What is its name?; Is it funny?; Does it like playing with you?; Can it fly?; Can it swim?; Is it big or small?; What is its favourite food?; How old is it?...
Tell us about it in your notebook.

Look at the picture:

Now, write and answer in your notebook:

     - What animals can you see in the picture?
     - How many rabbits are there?
     - What colour is the pig?
     - Has the horse got a long tail?
     - Have the rabbits got big ears?
     - Is there a donkey near a sheep?
     - Is there an elephant on the house?
     - Are there butterflies under the cow?
     - Are the hens black or white?
     - Is the cow eating grass?
     - Can a rabbit fly?
     - Where is the goat?

We are going to sing and play with our friends, our pets. They are very affectionate towards children and very, very intelligent.
Would you like to listen animals' stories? Let's go...click here.


sábado, 4 de abril de 2020

Have a Happy Easter !!

Can you decorate your own Easter Egg?
What is your favourite animal?

You can choose: a cat, a fish, a ladybird, a sheep, a bee, a fox, a rabbit, a chicken...

Come on !! Enjoy making it by yourself !!

And now...if you want to sing and dance...click here.

mércores, 1 de abril de 2020


Hi children!! It is... April Fool's Day! Today people play a trick or a joke. It is an annual custom celebrated in United Kingdom, United States, Portugal, France... and another countries. In Spain it is celebrated on December 28 th.

Reading books:

  Would you like to make your own bookmark?
Try it!

It can also be a fish. Do you like it?

If you want to know more... click here.